Benefit of Business Intelligence

Properly implemented, there are many benefits of Business Intelligence.

  • Reporting provides users with the latest information, often in real time, with which they can make decisions.
  • Provides functionality to drill down and data mine enormous quantities of data to extract trends, anomolies and potential issues.
  • Development of graphical vizualisations to represent thousands of data points.
  • Provide board members with a one page overview of the current status of the company.
  • Build relationships with your most profitable customers. Identify customers with low spend.
  • Target specific groups of customers with marketing campaigns.
  • Warehouse provides a central repository of up to date, aggregated, cleansed data.
  • Allows the development of OLAP cubes to provide fast reporting on the fly.
  • Remove the need for Excel silos of information across an organisation.

Benefit of Business Intelligence

What Is Business Intelligence